韓国のデータベースから [論文]
・血液型と注意と行動性向との間の関係の研究 - 小学生対象に -
韓国科学技術情報研究院(KISTI), <韓国産学技術学会論文誌(韓国産学技術学会)> 9巻6号(2008年), pp.1818-1824
blood type, brainwave, brain function, emotional character
この研究では、幼児の血液型と感情的な性向の間の関係があるのかを、個人が持つ脳神経生理学的指標である脳波測定を利用して比較してみた。対象者は、2005年9月から2007年12月までに韓国の精神科学研究所で脳波測定を依頼した幼児たち、年齢は4歳から7歳までである。男児1690人、女児1322人の合計3018人である。幼児の血液型分布は、A>B>O> AB型の順であった。分析の結果、幼児の血液型と憂鬱性向とは、分析の結果の女児は無関係で、活動性向はB型で最も多かった、憂鬱性向はO型で最も多かった。活動-肯定性向はB型の男児が最も多かった、憂鬱-否定性向は男児のAB型で最も多かった。そして、血液型と注意との相関関係でO型の幼児が注意指数が最も高く、A型の幼児が最も低かった。この研究の結果、いくつかのカテゴリで血液型に応じた感情的な傾向で有意差を示したが、影響や遺伝的な役割が、どのように影響を与えるかの作用機序を究明する後続的な研究が必要であると思われる。
This study is focused on the effects of one's blood type on emotional character of children, by comparing each individual's brain wave. Observed records are from those kids who volunteered for KRIJUS(Korea Research Institute of Jungshin Science)'s brain wave measurement from September 2005 to December 2007. The whole 3018 kids(4-7) group consists of 1322 female and 1696 male. Blood types are A>B>O>AB dominately ordered. The relations between depressive attitude and blood type of an infant couldn't be found among female. However, male type B had the most numbers of activeness character while type O shown largest rate of depressed condition. Also, the result amongst infant had shown male type B had the most active-positive rate while type AB took large for depressed-negative. The result had shown no relative connection for activity inclination. Third, among the kids type O had highest awareness rate while type A had lowest. This study revealed meaningful relation between blood types and emotional character among several categories, while suggesting follow-up researches figuring out more detailed explanations for its effect and genetic role.
■血液型と注意と行動性向との間の関係の研究 - 小学生対象に -
韓国科学技術情報研究院(KISTI), <英才教育研究(韓国英才学会)> 19巻2号(2009年), pp.333-352
血液型, 注意, 行動傾向, 脳波, 脳機能, Blood type, Determining awareness, Emotional character, Brain-wave, Brain quotient
This study is focused on the effects of one's blood type on determining awarness and emotional character of Elementary students, by comparing each individual`s brain wave. Observed records are from those students who volunteered for KRIJUS(Korea Research Institute of Jungshin Science)'s brain wave measurement from September 2005 to December 2007. The whole 4010 elementary student group consists of 1562 female and 2448 male. Blood types are as follows; 873male(36%) 563female(37%) for type A, 641male(26%) 424female(27%) for type B, 622male(25%) 406female(26%) for type 0, and 312male(13%) 159female(10%) for type AB, A>B>O>AB dominately ordered. The research had shown no obvious relation between the blood types and their awarness or emotional status of elementary students. Thus, it would not be such a wise decision to tell one's character depending on his/her blood type. This result suggested that follow-up researches should be figuring out more detailed explanations for gifted education.
韓国科学技術情報研究院(KISTI), <韓国産学技術学会論文誌(韓国産学技術学会)> 11巻11号(2010年), pp.4260-4265
Blood type、Correlation character、Brainfunction quotient
This study was purposed on revealing the connections between blood types and brain functions or correlation character among Junior and Highschool students. Observed records are from those kids who volunteered for KRIJUS(Korea Research Institute of Jungshin Science)'s brain wave measurement from September 2005 to December 2008. The whole 2208 Junior and Highschool studentskids group consists of junior 628 female, 1002 male and high 213 female, 365 male. Blood types are as follows A>B>O>AB dominately ordered. Second, blood type had no relations with corelation character. Third, blood type had no relations with brain function rate. Thus, it would not be such a wise decision to tell one's character depending on his/her blood type.
韓国科学技術情報研究院(KISTI), <韓国産学技術学会論文誌(韓国産学技術学会)> 11巻6号(2010年), pp.2072-2077
Blood Type, Awareness, Emotional Character, Brain Quotient
この研究では、高齢者の血液型が認知機能と行動の傾向と相関関係があるのかを、個人が持つ脳神経生理学的指標である脳波測定を利用して比較してみた。対象者は、2008年9月から2009年6月までに韓国精神科学研究所に脳波測定を依頼した高齢者(60歳以上)を選定した。女性311人、男性451人、合計762人である。高齢者の血液型分布図は、A>B>O>AB型の順であった。分析の結果、高齢者の血液型と行動傾向との分布で女性は関連を示さなかったが、男性では有意差があった。B型とO型の高齢者は否定性向が高かった。認知機能との関係では、情緒指数(p = .001)と活性指数(右)(p = .040)で有意差を示した。情緒指数では、A型が最も高く、活性指数では、AB型が最も高かった。この研究の結果、いくつかのカテゴリで血液型との意味のある関係を示したが、影響や遺伝的な役割がどのように影響を与えるか、作用機序を究明する研究が必要であると思われる。
This study is focused on the effects of elder's blood type on determining awareness and emotional character of the elderly, by comparing each individual`s brain wave. Observed records are from thoes elder's who volunteered for KRIJUS(Korea Research Institute of Jungshin Science)'s brain wave measurement from September 2008 to June 2009. The whole 762 elder group consists of 311 female and 451 male. Blood types are A>B>O>AB dominately ordered. The result shown no relations between the blood types and their emotional character among elderly female, while elderly men shown meaningful difference; type B and O had higher rate on negative aspects. When it comes to awareness categories, both emotional(p.001) and active(right)(p.040) index shown meaningful differences. Type A had highest rate on emotional index and AB had it on active index. This study revealed meaningful relation between blood types and emotional character among several categories, while suggesting follow-up researches figuring out more detailed explanations for its effect and genetic role.
スク・クワンホ(Kwan Ho Suk)、ク・ジウン(Ji Eun Koo)
韓国消費者協会, <消費者学研究> 23巻2号(2012年), pp.107-134
血液型、消費者の購買行動、毒特性欲求、認知欲求、リスク追求、衝動買い、不平行動、ABO Blood type、Consumer buying decision、Need for uniqueness、Need for cognition、Risk taking、Impulse buying、Complaining behavior
消費者の血液型に応じて、市場を細分化したり、製品を推薦する血液型マーケティングが頻繁に使われている。本研究では、このような血液型マーケティングが科学的な事実に基づいていているのかを検証しようとし、そのために消費者の購買決定プロセスに影響を与える個人の消費行動特性変数に焦点を合わせて、その変数が血液型と関連があるかどうかを研究しようとする。消費者行動研究によると、消費者の購買決定は、合計5つの段階で構成され、欲求の認知、情報探索、代替評価、購入、購入後の行動の順に行われる。消費者個人の特性変数は、(1)消費者の購買決定の各段階と関連があるかどうか、(2)血液型の特性を反映することができるかどうかに基づいて選択された。その結果、欲求の段階では、消費者の特性欲求(need for uniqueness)、情報探索段階では認知欲求(need for cognition)、代替案の評価の段階では、リスク追求(risk taking)性向、購入段階では、衝動買い(impulse purchase )性向、購入後の行動の段階では、不平行動(complaining behavior)が個人的な特性変数として選ばれた。事前調査では、血液型別の性格と血液型別消費行動の特徴についての知識、それに対する信念を測定した。その結果、血液型と性格との間の関係については、ほとんどの回答者が知っており、半分以上の回答者が実際には2変数間の関連性を信じていることが分かった。血液型と消費行動との間の関係についての知識や信念は比較的弱いが、27%の回答者が血液型と消費行動の特性との間の関連性について、通常以上に認知して、37%の回答者が血液型と消費行動の特性の関連性について通常以上の信念を持っていることが分かった。事前調査では、また、独自性の欲求、認知欲求、リスク追求傾向、衝動買いの傾向、不平行動のような消費行動がどのような血液型で最も多く表示されるかどうかの信念(lay belief)を測定した。その結果、回答者は、それぞれの血液型が特定の消費行動と密接に関連していることを強く信じていることが分かった。具体的には、AB型は独自性欲求が、A型は認知欲求が、B型の場合、リスク追求傾向、衝動買いの傾向、不平行動が明らかにされると信じていた。最初の実証研究では、大学生を対象に先立って選定し、個人の5つの消費行動の特性変数を測定した。分析の結果、血液型は消費行動の特性変数との関係がないことが分かった。5つの消費者の個人特性変数の両方血液型による差を示さなかった。これは血液型と消費行動の間に有意な関係がないことを示す結果と見ることができる。第二の実証研究では、独自性の欲求、認知欲求、リスク追求傾向、衝動買いの傾向を自己申告(self-report)がなく、様々な選択状況での消費者の意思決定を介して測定した。その結果、最初の研究と同様に、血液型による差を示さなかった。本研究の結果は、一般的な信仰とは異なり、血液型と消費行動の間に有意な関係がないことを示した。
Market segmentation and product differentiation based on consumers' blood type is frequently practiced in Korea. For example, a fusion bar recommends different side dish menus to consumers with different blood type. This research investigates whether the blood type marketing is grounded by scientific evidence showing consumers behavior is related to blood type. This research examines associations between blood type and five dimensions of consumer behavior characeristics that are related to consumer buying decision process. Research on consumer behavior has suggested that consumer decision making consists of five sequential decision stages: Need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, and postpurchase behavior. We selected five consumer behavior characteristic variables that are related to each stage of the decision making process and are supposedly related to lay beliefs about the characteristics of blood type. Specifically, we selected need for uniqueness (need recognition), need for cognition (information search), risk taking (evaluation of alternatives), impulse buying (purchase), and complaining behavior (postpurchase behavior) that represent the buying decision process. This research examined whether the five consumer behavior measures are related to blood type. A pretest explored university stduents' knowledge and beliefs about the relationship between blood type and personality and the relationship between blood type and consumer behavior. Respondents were well aware of the personality characteristics of each blood type and more than half of the respondents believed that personality and blood type are related. Beliefs and knowledge about the relationship between blood type and consumer behavior were weaker compared with those of the relationship between blood type and personality. We also measured lay beliefs about which blood type consumer is most likely to be related to need for uniqueness, need for cognition, risk taking, impulse buying, and complaining behavior. The results showed that the respondents have strong lay beliefs about the association between blood type and specific consumer behaviors. Respondents believed that need for uniqueness is most strongly related to blood type AB and be weakly related to blood type A or O. Need for cognition is strongly related to blood type A, but weakly related to other types. Consumers with blood type B are believed to be most likely to seek risk, buy with impulse, and complain after experiencing dissatisfaction. In sum, these findings suggest that people have stereotypes of blood type with respect to certain dimensions of consumer behavior. Study 1 examined the relationship between respondents' blood types and the five dimensions consumer behavior characteristics. In the study, respondents self reported their consumer behavior traits such as need for uniqueness, need for cognition, risk taking, impulse buying, and complaining behavior. We also manipulated the order in which ABO blood type is measured. In the ABO first condition, blood type was measured before measuring the five consumer behavior traits. In the ABO last condition, blood type was measured after the five consumer behavior measures. It was expected that, as gender stereotypes, measuring blood types first should activate blood type stereotypes, resulting in greater differences across blood types. The results of study 1 showed that blood type is not related to consumer behavior. For all the five consumer behavior measures, we found no significant differences across the consumers with different blood types. In addition, activation of blood type stereotype did not change the result. The findings of this study indicate that there is no significant relationship between blood type and individual difference characericists of consumption behavior. One shortcoming of Study 1 is that consumer behavior characteristics were measured by self-reports, which may not reflect actual consumer decisions. Therefore, we conducted Study 2 Study 2 further examined whether blood type is related to various consumer decisions that are related to need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, and purchase. Specifically we tested the relationship between consumers' blood type and purchase of unique options (i.e., need for uniqueness), decision making time (i.e., need for cognition), choice of risky option (i.e., risk taking), and impulse buying intention (impulse buying). Specifically we tested whether respondents' blood types were reslated to various consumer decision makings such as the extent to choose unique versus ordinary choice options, the amount of time taken to search for product information before making choice decisions, the likelihood of choosing risky over safe options, and their willingness to buy without planning in a given purchase situation. The results showed that blood type was not significantly related to these consumer decision makings In sum, the results of the current research demonstrate that consumers' blood types are not strongly related to consumer behavior, contrary to some beliefs that blood types are related to certain types of consumer behavior. However, future research using different methods (e.g., analyzing shopping data of different blood types) should present more compelling evidence regarding the association between blood type and consumer behavior. Another direction for future research is to test the influence of blood type marketing on consumer perception, attitude, and purchase behavior.
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